
Build a more engaging entertainment destination

Stop losing eyeballs to social media. Make your app the destination for your fans with interactive live content featuring immersive audio and video with native social interactions. Open up new possibilities for monetization with exclusive access, virtual tipping, and live shopping overlays.

Drive social engagement in any app

Ingest: Live stream from anywhere

Ingest live audio and video from any location worldwide, unconstrained by local network conditions. Enable production teams to shoot live content anywhere or capitalize on the lower cost of user generated content.

Engage: Make your user experience interactive

Encourage stickiness with an interactive experience, elevating live content and breathing new life into existing media. Enable social interactions directly on your platform to reduce attention to social media.

Monetize: Boost audience-facing revenue

Capitalize on new forms of monetization ranging from live shopping to exclusive interactive virtual events. Enable micro-transactions like virtual tipping or early content access to expand consumer-facing revenue.